Saturday, October 2, 2010

53. Might Be My Last

It's time for me to grow up a little bit and appreciate other ways to grow. My way of growth is shown by a whole new URL address and template design.

Farewell, BlogSpot, I'm moving on...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Aka..Mr. Envy Me

In comparison to the 22 years of my life, I would have to say 23 was the most challenging year of my existence. Although, I may not recall the other 20 something years, these 365 days are the ones I don't think I'll be able to forget. I lost so much, but gained a massive amount of appreciation and perspective on the things that at some point in my life never mattered or were defined in small words and little expression. I may not want to relive each experience through writing, but let's just say that I am NOT the same person that I thought I was at this exact time this year or even yesterday.

I would truly have to say that I have finally buried myself in infinite cliches that proclaims life lessons within every mistake, in my case, my very own mix-tape.

I was never a Jordan fan, maybe that's why 23 shoved me down a rabbit hole. Maybe I'm about to find out that 24 will always be better.

(Hehe... Pun shmun)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

51. For the Grown and Now Sexy

Scary... Two years ago I wrote this dedicated to "the little ones." Now, they're both IN college! Gross. Prom came and went in a red BCBG gown and the Debutante spun circles to "Superhuman", and here I am thinking of what to say before one moves out and the other runs away.

Goodbye Teen Angst. Welcome, Rebellion.

Don't think I was never the type to think of ways to get out of the house or visualize how it's going to be when I'm far from home (which means being countless miles away from Mom and Dad, also known as momentary freedom). I don't think you should underestimate me and my age and dispute our measly age difference with the generic, "Ate, it's different now..." or one of my favorites, "You don't understand." Come on.. And I can easily respond with another cliche, "Been there, done that," but you'll just roll your eyes and contrive multiple strategies to lure yourself out of this uncomfortable conversation, just so you can text your boyfriend, who to you is "Babe" and probably "The One," where to me, he's just "Him."

You see, between your age and mine, including everyone else after me, it's the time to delve and explore LIFE! Trust me,your best friends aren't always going to your favorite people, your soul mate can end up being the one you can live without, and you will constantly change. One day, you can wake up and realize, "that the major you majored in make no money" and you'll feel like you're stuck on a road leading to label yourself as a College Dropout. That's never the case. Be optimistic. Dream BIGGER. Do more for yourself to make you happier. All of these things, bad and good, will keep you healthy. You might lose your sanity, but all the best people are mad.

I know that you had found "love." The feeling has finally sunk in that he could be it(And now I'm rolling my eyes). I don't have to clarify my story, simply put, it could end. I need you to be strong. I want you to embrace who you are without him, because it will be you who graduates, you who will get your first internship with the biggest corporation, you who will get yourself out of bed every morning to be on time, you will be the one who will decide whether or not you're going to take a hit, you'll be the one to define you, because with your intelligence, I'm certain you won't let him clarify your existence to anyone.

I do know how important he is, but you're much more important at this point of your growing life. Comprehend that things can change and you and him have the power to hurt each other.

I love you guys very much, but it's your life and all I can do is preach and write hoping that you'll tattoo, not all, but some of my rant on your arm so that every time you reach out for something, you won't be afraid.

Now, let's hug it out.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

49. Nu-Nu Shit

I've been really antsy about my new projects approaching and I've already started my investment plans and everything on them.

I'm going to start a new blog based on one thing. I'll figure it out as the time passes. I'm not sure if I'm bored or am on a social media/blog kind of sporadic rush.

Allow me to breathe a little bit with this playing in the back....

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Deep down inside I look like Rus because I am THIS excited...

New project vastly approaching...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

47. Poutine Please?

Dude, I'm warning you, America...

Canada is taking over everything, except the NBA.